If asked what I did this weekend I will be forced to direct people to this post because I feel there is no one correct answer.
The "normal" answer.
My friends and I took a road trip to an Island near Savannah, Georgia where we camped out and hung out for a couple of days on the beach. On the way down we stayed the night in the parking lot of an Ingles grocery store in Asheville, North Carolina and then walked around town before continuing our journey. We had an amazing time on the beach, collecting shells, walking up and down the shore line, drinking beers, discovering new and random things, and enjoying each other's company. We will have to do something like this again soon.
The "Jason" answer.
I stood at the edge of the sea and contemplated the infinite complexity of our existence... The bigness and yet the smallness of the world reminded me of the dualities of our own perceptions. How our lives are so short, but so long. How life is so complicated, yet so simple. How love is so eternal, but so fleeting. Staring at the ocean, seeing the horizon where the world drops off puts things into a certain perspective.
The "romantic" answer.
I took a long walk down the beach and listened to waves crash against the shore. I walked barefoot and found a perfect path so that every once in a while the water would walk up and kiss my feet. After a while a light rain started to fall and everyone who was around scuttled back to their shelters leaving the entire shoreline all to me. The rain subdued right around sunset. The setting sun cast a dazzling array of light across the ocean. I watched as a full spectrum, perfect arch rainbow formed over the sea on the horizon with a partial rainbow twin climbing its left side. Every moment I wished I had someone to share these experiences with.
The "overly pessimistic" answer
I lost my motherfucking glasses! My back hurts like a motherfucker because I fail at motherfucking sunblock! I fucked up my motherfucking feet like a motherfucker! But man - that shit was motherfuckin' fun.
The summary
My friends and I had a great weekend road trip. I had a chance to take off on my own for some needed solitary introspection that just happened to involve the ocean which is one of my favorite places to be. I loved hanging out with my buddies, doing new and random things, seeing new and random things, and just plain relaxing. I highly recommend randomness, especially to people like me who don't usually do randomness; sometimes it's good for the soul; just be careful not to get too caught up in the moment or you might lose your damn glasses in the ocean...
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