Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Jack

It's useful knowing a little about a lot...

People say "He was a jack of all trades." and in their mind sneak in, "and a master of none."  That's one of the most back handed compliments I've ever heard...

Seriously though...would you rather have a guy doing programming work for you who doesn't know anything about what you do or someone who can do the coding like a boss and understand the use?  It's not a question of knowing everything about everything.  It's a question of knowing enough to ask questions about the need and use.

I once saw an ad posted for a job.  They wanted a computer science major with extensive knowledge of the human cardiovascular system...  I think they're shit out of luck - or better be willing to pay that person half a million dollars a me that dude has a bad-ass job already... But, I could do that job...  I'm not an expert in anatomy, but I know enough about it to ask the right questions to get the job done.

I have some advice for every programmer, project manager, and code monkey out there.  Don't walk into a project without getting a basic understanding of the subject matter.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Meh week

What a damn week.

I've stopped posting my blog posts to Facebook.  I don't know - maybe I like seeing how many page views I get if I just let this thing sit on it's own.  Seriously though, who is looking at my page from Russia?  So, like, if you're from Russia, just leave a comment...I'd love to hear from you.

This post has been brought to you by teeth...from the maker of gums.

Friday, February 28, 2014


This winter had been slowly eating away at my soul.  The dark and all too familiar path of self loathing and misery pitched with overtones of indifference.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 5-6

I feel like writing, but I am just too darn tired.  My brain is going way faster than my body can handle at this point.  My fingers are on autopilot right now.  It's entirely possible that I'm writing one thing with my fingers and thinking something completely different...

I had an awesome evening.  I met up with a new friend in person for the first time tonight.  We met at a bar I've frequented. Tonight, for some reason, they had music playing really, really loudly and as we tried to talk with each other, the music kept getting louder until we were basically yelling at each other.  So, we walked to my house, sat in my kitchen, and talked until 3 in the morning. (about 2 hours.)  She's pretty darn cool.

So much to say - so little physical energy.  This is one of those things that could turn into a 'forever' blog.  We planted seeds for so, so, so, so many conversations and my brain keeps attaching to one or two of them and wanting to write them out.

Can't do it - need sleep, haven't slept in a couple days...

Good night.

OH - had a hiccup in the experiment due to lack of sleep, but all is well.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 4

Today was a normal day.  Except it's Thursday...I don't like Thursday - in general.  I think I need to find something to make Thursdays awesome.  Like, make that my job hunting day, or my learn something new day or something...something...  Basically by Thursday every week, I have all of my 'normal' work done and all there is left is the larger projects, the maintenance stuff, etc.  Which is awesome, because I get to work on code, data, and design stuff.  Not so awesome, because nothing else is going on, so I get stuff done really fast.  I finished like 4 things today...  Whatever 4 things you might be thinking of - not that...  I developed an SSIS package to load data from flat files on an ftp server, clean it up, and pass it on to a database on an SQL server.  Then I developed a process to tap into a geo-coding web-service to clean up addresses and assign lat,long values.  Then I automated that along side the SSIS package, then I automated the data validation for that process...  There's one of the things I did today.

I think this experiment is going too easily...

I started doing PC muscle exercises on Tuesday.  I'm trying to remember to do them while I'm walking to my desk or when I'm walking to my car from work.  I did that for two days, but I got distracted today.  I do think about sex a lot.  A lot more than I thought I did...  I think that's healthy; I think a lot of people think about sex a lot.  I've always wondered how much women think about sex.  About having sex I mean.  One moment I need to research.

Que elevator music:
You just lost the game...

We found that the median number of sexual thoughts for men was 18.6** and for women it was 9.9**. In contrast, the average for men was 34.2** and for women it was 18.6**.

**Times a day

Check out the article from Psychology Today

So about half as much as men:  Every half hour or so for men and about once an hour for women. sit at your desk and think about sex 1-2 times an hour (on average).  I think I double that...  It doesn't help when my music station starts playing this song:



Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 3

Something came up in conversation today...

There are a lot of really dysfunctional relationships...  I mean, 50% divorce rate?  Sheesh...  I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want from a relationship and I really think that the entire idea of relationships, in our culture, and in my own view is changing quite rapidly.  Think about all the things we deal with now that are changing the way we see each other... Facebook alone had affected how we interact with one another.  Think about the concept of stay at home parents - it's sort of weird to think about that now isn't it?  Here at least - I can speak for other parts of the U.S.

okay - short post - just a blurb.

Day three was interesting - I can feel that I have more energy - we'll see how my sleep goes tonight - I have not been sleeping well.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 2

I'm doing this post because I am procrastinating like a boss the stuff I really should be doing right now.  I knew when the idea popped into my head that this was going to be hard.  I'm not to the point where I would say - "I had no idea it would be this hard."  I don't know that I'll get to that point.  The hardest thing so far, is that I like flipping through pictures on dating sites and on websites like theChive (because people are intriguing) and there are some really hot girls at work... Blood flow is already becoming an issue.

Half of the point of this project is to get me back on track with writing and to get my interest in sex and sexual things back to the level where I can get back to writing short stories.  Today I wanted to talk shortly about a cultural concept that I seem to be on the weird side of.

I don't do outwardly cliche things that follow my subcultures.  I was looking at messenger bags today, because I think they're awesome and I've always wanted to have a nice one to replace my backpack.  I wouldn't buy the Nintendo controller messenger bag...or the Chewbacca messenger bag...or the Portal messenger bag...or buy one because it looks like the Indiana Jones messenger bag...  I don't have video game posters, or Firefly posters, or an R2D2 pen holder...I do have a Tribble though - it was a present.  As a matter of fact - anything I have that's like that was a present, the Star Trek shaving mug that's in a box somewhere, the Tribble, the dragon "collection" on my shelf, the National Sarcasm Society sign on my cubicle wall...all presents.  I dunno - maybe if I tried to reflect my culture outwardly I would be more recognized as the person I think I am.  (You are what you think other people think you are...)

This sort of ties into my taste in art - I can't bloody find art I really like that I would feel comfortable putting on my wall...Then I took this quiz thing and found out that I really like this stuff:

and photography - (of women (just kidding (no I'm not)))

No conclusion - just what's on my mind.


Day 1

I'm looking at this as the first day of the new year.  Yes I know it's the sixth (technically the seventh), but - hey - it's the first Monday of the new year.  Everything from then till now has been a bit of a blur anyway.  This is the normal thing to do right?  Indulge yourself as much as possible over the weekend and then start off fresh on Monday...

I don't really do New Year's resolutions  (accept - make this year awesome) and I'm not doing that here - I have been trying to do all that stuff (lose weight, etc) for a while now and not doing any good at it.  So I decided to give myself a test of self control and discipline.  It seems cliche - and yeah - I saw it in a movie...but I'm going to try to go completely celibate for a month. Completely - so - nothing... no masturbation, no booty calls (pshh), nada. So...

Day 1
At this point I don't think this is going to be that difficult.  Who the hell am I kidding - I think about sex like every two minutes. It's possible that I can get through this by pure thought alone - just thinking about it all the bloody time until I'm bored with it.  Who the hell am I kidding - there are some things you just can't get bored with.

Maybe if I give myself some kind of reward if I make it through...

Any suggestions?