Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 4

Today was a normal day.  Except it's Thursday...I don't like Thursday - in general.  I think I need to find something to make Thursdays awesome.  Like, make that my job hunting day, or my learn something new day or something...something...  Basically by Thursday every week, I have all of my 'normal' work done and all there is left is the larger projects, the maintenance stuff, etc.  Which is awesome, because I get to work on code, data, and design stuff.  Not so awesome, because nothing else is going on, so I get stuff done really fast.  I finished like 4 things today...  Whatever 4 things you might be thinking of - not that...  I developed an SSIS package to load data from flat files on an ftp server, clean it up, and pass it on to a database on an SQL server.  Then I developed a process to tap into a geo-coding web-service to clean up addresses and assign lat,long values.  Then I automated that along side the SSIS package, then I automated the data validation for that process...  There's one of the things I did today.

I think this experiment is going too easily...

I started doing PC muscle exercises on Tuesday.  I'm trying to remember to do them while I'm walking to my desk or when I'm walking to my car from work.  I did that for two days, but I got distracted today.  I do think about sex a lot.  A lot more than I thought I did...  I think that's healthy; I think a lot of people think about sex a lot.  I've always wondered how much women think about sex.  About having sex I mean.  One moment I need to research.

Que elevator music:
You just lost the game...

We found that the median number of sexual thoughts for men was 18.6** and for women it was 9.9**. In contrast, the average for men was 34.2** and for women it was 18.6**.

**Times a day

Check out the article from Psychology Today

So about half as much as men:  Every half hour or so for men and about once an hour for women. sit at your desk and think about sex 1-2 times an hour (on average).  I think I double that...  It doesn't help when my music station starts playing this song:



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