Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 2

I'm doing this post because I am procrastinating like a boss the stuff I really should be doing right now.  I knew when the idea popped into my head that this was going to be hard.  I'm not to the point where I would say - "I had no idea it would be this hard."  I don't know that I'll get to that point.  The hardest thing so far, is that I like flipping through pictures on dating sites and on websites like theChive (because people are intriguing) and there are some really hot girls at work... Blood flow is already becoming an issue.

Half of the point of this project is to get me back on track with writing and to get my interest in sex and sexual things back to the level where I can get back to writing short stories.  Today I wanted to talk shortly about a cultural concept that I seem to be on the weird side of.

I don't do outwardly cliche things that follow my subcultures.  I was looking at messenger bags today, because I think they're awesome and I've always wanted to have a nice one to replace my backpack.  I wouldn't buy the Nintendo controller messenger bag...or the Chewbacca messenger bag...or the Portal messenger bag...or buy one because it looks like the Indiana Jones messenger bag...  I don't have video game posters, or Firefly posters, or an R2D2 pen holder...I do have a Tribble though - it was a present.  As a matter of fact - anything I have that's like that was a present, the Star Trek shaving mug that's in a box somewhere, the Tribble, the dragon "collection" on my shelf, the National Sarcasm Society sign on my cubicle wall...all presents.  I dunno - maybe if I tried to reflect my culture outwardly I would be more recognized as the person I think I am.  (You are what you think other people think you are...)

This sort of ties into my taste in art - I can't bloody find art I really like that I would feel comfortable putting on my wall...Then I took this quiz thing and found out that I really like this stuff:

and photography - (of women (just kidding (no I'm not)))

No conclusion - just what's on my mind.


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