Friday, December 20, 2013

Title Pending

Friday night.  Went to the movies and watched the second in the Hunger Games Trilogy.  Jennifer Lawrence...yeah...  Recently I've discovered that I get a much, much better night sleep if I read Philosophy books right before I sleep and keep soft jazzy hip-hop playing all night long.  Don't know if I've put the story of how I found out about Nujabes on my blog yet (don't think so - I will save that for another day.)  Because of Nujabes and the show "Samurai Champloo" I discovered a whole genre of music I was very sadly missing out on and am now making up time for.  I don't know what to call it accept Jazz-Hip-Hop.  Fat Jon, Nujabes, Force of Nature - I haven't even listened to this song by Taku, an artist I haven't heard of, but I bet you a fuck ton that it's awesome as boobs.  Well...maybe not that awesome...  I'm about half way through a bottle of cheap moscato.  It's pretty darn good.  BAREFOOT Moscato. Deliciously Sweet.  That's on the label - not my review. Though it is pretty sweet.  I'm in a funny mood.  I think that's evident not only by what I'm writing but by the fact that I'm writing at all.  And that I'm purposefully trying to get more and more intoxicated as I move along in this post.  I decided that this town is the worst largish city for dating.  My fucking tooth hurts.  My tongue too.  I think the dentist nicked my tongue when she was cleaning my tooth. It's right on the tip and it keeps bumping my front teeth making is worse.  Okay I'm pretty drunk now.  I got on here to say something specific.  I suppose I could try to do that.

A while back I had the most awesome idea for a date ever.  Accept - it was a horrible FIRST date idea.  More like a second or third date idea. Shopping, wine, cooking, good food, good movie, laughs - that kind of thing.  Which...sounds...pretty fucking awesome, especially when I draw out the details.  The problem, of course, being that you have to get to the point where you can do this kind of date.  You know - like - asking a girl out and all that jazz.  (3/4 of the bottle)

I read an article today about asking a girl out. Not a bad article. It mentioned not doing anything too complex or (I'm going to call it) heavy on for a first date.  That makes sense - and that's why the above date is a good second or third date. On my way home from the lonesome trip to the movies - I thought of a really good first date idea that would accomplish just about everything someone like me would need in a first date.

***Magical words and abnormal alignments lead me to asking a girl out and her saying yes***

"Sweet!  How about we meet up at Book and Music Exchange?"

Can you think of a better place (for me) to have a first date with someone?  I mean...we get to look at books, music, and movies together all in one place!  Plus it gives me the opportunity to fulfill one of my base mating instincts to offer some sort of gift in an effort to meet with her approval.  I'll admit - this inspiration came from a post on a book lovers page on Facebook - something about, screw buying me a drink -- how about you buy me a book?  Hells yes - I will buy you all the books - and a Nujabes CD to listen to while you are reading them.  I mean, really, think about it.  You get to talk about your taste in books, movies, and music (and video games????) - a perfect reflection of someone's personality.  Or how about this?  What if she doesn't like the idea AT ALL?

Nuff Said

So - she starts looking at fantasy, non-fiction, science fiction.  I ask about Dresden and Ender - I get to make some 'er meh grrd' suggestions - she gets to let me know about the awesomeness that is (I don't fucking know - obviously I don't know about it yet)  I hand her all the sweetness that is Japanese electronic jazz and she fills me up on (again - seriously - I haven't heard of that shit yet.)  Orgasms will be had.

I mean, you know, brain orgasms...

(I finished the bottle about a paragraph ago.)

Not bad for a purposefully drunk article - I probably would have had better detail and less jumping right to book induced orgasms, but hey...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Good Morning

There's not a big difference between being awake and being asleep.  I can feel my body go unresponsive, time disappears.  Images, sounds, stories, music - screaming...  Why does waking up always feel like screaming?  I feel the same weight, or pressure, that you get from the whole experience of screaming.  Not excited screaming - the other kind.  The involuntary kind.  The kind of screaming that comes from your gut - a reaction rather than an activity.  Time has passed - the clock says so.  Was I just thinking about skateboarding on beams of light?  Ugh - why does my head hurt?  Can't really move yet.  Just get your arm working so you can turn off the alarm - turn on Netflix, or music, or an audio book so you don't go right back to... Fuck, is it 8:00???  Yeah the light turned off.  You're late for work man.  Do I have time to brush my teeth?  Guess I'll skip breakfast.  Need coffee.  Wait, need to feed the dog and ca...  Fuck, how is it 8:30?  Might as well brush my teeth and eat breakfast, you're supposed to be at work right now anyway.  mmmm... okay...sitting up.  Don't fall asleep - don't fall asleep., pants...damn it - underwear - socks - shirt - pants - shirt - sweater -  teeth?  no let the dog out.  uh - okay feed the animals...teeth,  food.  Water - need water.  Where the fuck are my shoes?  Need to warm up the car - 15 minutes ago...

of course the cat threw up on my coat...guess I'm wearing my hoodie to work. sigh...

why does my damn head hurt so much?

oh well - fuck it - drive to work...

Coffee - need coffee...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Oh my goodness, what a year.  Where did the last 5-6 months go?

Did I learn anything?


Surely I learned something from it.

Yeah - but I would rather keep it to myself.  Interesting that - someone who want to write, thinking that he should keep his thoughts to himself.

I feel like writing some stories - yeah - I think that's what I'll do.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Life Rules

I'm no expert in living a happy life.  But, I'm learning!  I saw this 'article' on a terrible website; one which does not have my recommendation.  I'm 100% certain it's not original.  BUT, this is a good reminder, even for people who are pretty good at this 'life' stuff, of some things you can do to make improvements to yourself and your relationships.

If you're having trouble with some of these - give them a shot - my suggestion is that if you do work on one, don't sacrifice another aspect of your life in order to do it.  You're all smart enough to understand these, but if you want to read the crappy article - check out the link below.
  1. Appreciate life
  2. Choose friends wisely
  3. Be considerate
  4. Learn continuously
  5. Creative problem solving
  6. Do what you love
  7. Enjoy life
  8. Laugh
  9. Forgive
  10. Gratitude
  11. Invest in relationships
  12. Keep your word
  13. Meditate
  14. Mind your own business
  15. Optimism
  16. Love unconditionally
  17. Persistence
  18. Be Proactive
  19. Self Care
  20. Self Confidence
  21. Take Responsibility

Short Story


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Talk to me - in that one voice...

(active voice)(~not Scottish)

This summer just started...  Can you believe that?

I learned some interesting lessons this spring.  I'm not sure why some things have to be so damn hard to learn.  This spring, for me, was all about communication.

If you know me - or read my blog (like - at all) then you know my method of communication is all about information.  I use communication to inform people.  That's fine ~but~ people don't like being told stuff - about things - all the time.  I actually sort of feel bad for people who ask me questions.  I always have this empathetic moment, where I sigh and think, "You have no idea what you just got yourself into."  Yes - that's what that sigh is; for those of you who have heard it...  That sigh is not, "Really? Now I HAVE to answer your question? Why you make me work so much?"  no-no... There really is no short, simple answer to the question, "What did you do this weekend?" in my world.

That's not exactly true.  Here's the thing.  You really don't care about all the details involved in how I came to end up having a conversation with a girl I haven't seen in almost 15 years.  All you really care about is that I ended up having a conversation with a girl I haven't seen in 15 years. And - that's all you're going to remember in about a week and a half anyway.  Unless you're one of the few people who really enjoys it when I go into ridiculous amounts of detail, or one of the people who are just used to it at this point.  Some of you guys already know what that sigh means - sigh yourself - and have the thought, "Ah crap, what have I gotten myself into now...  Better make sure I don't have to be anywhere in the next 30 minutes or so...  Why do you move your hands so much when you talk?  Wait did he just say duck vagina?"

ah - inside jokes

So, firstly, I'm trying to get better at listening to and taking the advice of others.  I guess you guys are pretty smart - and can offer a different perspective on what's going on - and have good, useful things to say...  I guess... heh.  I'm also reading books, written for people who aren't good at dealing with people and "regular" life situations - and REALLY trying not to jeer at them - and REALLY trying to learn something about social engagement.  And, of course, trying to practice at this stuff....

I've learned that sometimes you can say a lot without saying much of anything.  And, there is definitely such a thing as saying too much.  (~A lesson we all learn at some point.)  I'm trying to gear my words toward actions and activity - trying to make my voice more active rather than passive - trying to engage AND inform.  Bloody complicated - this.

And, I thought meeting women was tough... Sheesh...

Monday, July 8, 2013

When I grow up I want to...

Did you ever wonder if you were going to grow up?
Was there a moment when you thought you weren't going to make it?
Was that a moment of pain - fear - desperation?
Was it real?

Check out these other photos by Thomas Tham

Monday, June 17, 2013

Strange connection?

What's this feeling?  Oh yeah, it's that feeling we get when we feel accomplished.  What makes you feel accomplished?  What makes you raise your arms in the air, feeling victorious?  It changes right?  Maybe it's getting a first date after a couple years of being single.  After a few first dates, maybe it's getting a second date.  Maybe, for you, the victory dance comes after a first kiss.  Maybe it takes a lot more for you to feel like you've done something right.

Crap - I didn't mean for this to be about dating.  What I wanted to say was - find that thing that makes you raise your arms in the air and make that what you do.  That doesn't necessarily mean do it for a living.  Hell, if I can kiss ladies for a living - sign me up!  (lo, I am no Magic Mike.  ~ Closer to Michael Moore) (I digress ~ a lot)  Part of my point is - doing data analysis and writing the chaotic randomness that pours out of my brain doesn't exactly make me jump for joy.  (Though I do get small victories from some of the more difficult problems I solve.)  You know what makes me really march around and feel joyously victorious?  Helping other people feel good.  (And kissing ladies, but let's not get into that ~ not really sure I remember what it's like.)

I try to help others feel good all the time, though I'm not sure how good I am at it.  That feeling - that knowledge that I may have been the cause for someone else's happiness - it's more satisfying than getting laid.  (Getting laid is super satisfying when I can help her feel happy at the same time :) (~not really sure I remember what that's like either.)

Okay I can tell where my mind is going and I'm not going to do that here.  This was going to be about life success and feeling good about yourself - obviously sex and feeling good are closely tied together in my brain ~ weird.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Party Time

I opened up a blog for posts about my buddy Dalaina'a birthday.

It's mostly inside jokes and "you would have needed to be there" type stuff, but the message is clear.  We had loads of fun.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The new - the old - just an update.

I guess it's been a while.

What a crazy month.

I sort of had it out with my sister.  She's really not used to me NOT taking her bullshit sitting down.  I'm not going to get into it.  It's not worth the time it would take to write.  Suffice to say that some people make immovable objects seem tolerable. (A fact she's proud of.)

I've been all over the place this month.  This whole online dating thing is straight crazy-sauce.  The people I've met haven't been crazy. (They probably can't say the same.)  It's just that the whole process is crazy.  If you can imagine the sort of dedication and thought I put into some things, then you can imagine what it's been like with dating sites.  I did my homework... Lot's of homework...  I've been at this for a little over three months now - I've had two dates.  Exactly half the number of people who have actually responded to messages and at least seemed like real people.  The dates were - okay.  I liked one of them, but I could tell she thought I was strange and that she had dealt with someone who had a thought process like mine.  She kept working around my weirdness like a pro - and - she didn't like it.  Sigh...  The other lady was cool, but she was looking for something I'm not.

Now, I'm just messaging people so that has to give me 6 months free when I don't meet "someone special."  I think they depended on statistics when they made that guarantee.  If you are active and are looking for someone, then chances are you are going to find someone in a relatively short period of time.   Match never met me...  Fuck statistics, I'm an outlier.

I spent the last month preparing for a few particularly taxing things.  I dropped the equivalent of 2 month's rent (extra) to move into a new place this month.  My new house is pretty darn awesome though and it's in a great location.  A couple of my most awesome friends (and my completely awesome mama) helped me pack, move, and minimize in a total of 2 days.  It's sort of weird, 'cause I feel like I've been here a lot longer than a week and a half.  Everything is already set up and I've already fallen into a routine.  That's a big thanks to my good buddies helping get things organized and a HUGE thanks to my god-son for staying with me for a week and helping me keep from going crazy.  I've been getting home in less than half the time it was taking before. It feels like I have all this time to do stuff with now - and I haven't quite figured out what to do with it.  (I definitely owe you guys some writing - which someone pointed out recently :)

I had the second surgery on my ear the week before I moved.  I didn't pass out when I got the IV this time.  Yet again the nurse didn't listen to me and she tried to put it in the wrong place - sigh - so I had to get poked several times...  Luckily I was able to meditate through it this time. But man, they really don't like it when you're holding perfectly still with your eyes closed and aren't reacting to anything.  It's like ~ they've seen that before - and it was a bad thing - or something...  We'll find out how well it went in a week or so when I go for a checkup.

The same week - a couple days after my ear surgery - I had something else done.  I don't want to ruin the surprise - I just want to mention a pattern I noticed.  People who noticed something was different, but couldn't quite figure it out, complemented me on how much weight I had lost recently.  (Exactly zero pounds at the time.)  The same thing happens pretty much every time I shave.  I love people.

Speaking of weight loss - I bought a juicer - one of those "Nutribullet" things.  Basically an uber-blender.  I've been drinking my breakfast for a couple weeks now.  My initial push was about 10 lbs and I haven't gone any further down since.  I'm 100% certain that the couple bouts of fast-food and the very restaurant heavy nights out have something to do with that.  I'm definitely on the refocusing path though.  I think the act of thinking about food helps more than anything else.  When I get to the point where I'm not thinking about what I'm eating - that's when things get bad - that's why I gained back half the weight I lost last year...  I can feel a big difference though.  I don't know if it's the move, the food, or a combination of things, but I have been feeling a lot better the last few weeks.

Soooo...  This weird thing has been happening for a while now.  Every once in a while I get these emails.  Emails from Russia.  (.ru)  Contained in these of people's teeth.  Not smiles...  oh no... not smiles...  VERY clinical - very SCARY pictures of people's teeth.  Mostly - really (I mean REALLY) fucking messed up looking pictures of people's f'ugly ass teeth.  One of them had 10 (one zero) pictures of this person's (later you can tell it was a woman - despite the mustache) fuckin' cross bite.  I...was...mesmerized.  So... I got to Googlein'...  Thinking this was some sort of sexual fetish thing.  (I mean - I do write about sex.) And...turns out that there is definitely a sexual fetish about teeth - and - about fucked up teeth (of course.)  But - I keep getting them and they are very clinical... (The dots are my awe.)  So - when I started getting a lot of page hits on this page from Russia recently - it made it seem WAY worse...

Two people, one of my best homies and the other - one of the coolest people I know, have been out of the country for the past month.  You have both been in the foreground of my thoughts.  To quote one of my favorite fictional characters, "As I experience certain sensory input patterns, my mental pathways become accustomed to them. The input is eventually anticipated, and even missed when absent." - Lt. Commander Data.

My mental pathways have missed your sensory input patterns.

My how time rolls by

Google asked me to create a map for a course I'm taking.  It asked me what story I was going to tell, so I decided to map my life - or at least parts of it.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013


The Interstate Love Song said Nevermind to me this morning.  I thought a lot about life this weekend.  I only watch the time go by, but it's okay.  They are only here to entertain us, these thoughts, these perceptions, these views of the universe.  You bring me to my knees again.  I could beg but I don't want to.  I felt insecure my whole life - but now I'm leaving my burdens at the door.

These dreams I've been remembering lately - my brain's reaction to what I want, what I see, what I need.  Flight - my need to convince everyone that it's possible - realizing that not everyone was meant to fly - realizing that that's okay.  The abstract intersecting with the practical.  I told you I love you - then I told you I want to ravish you - I didn't know which one was true, or if they both were, or neither.  I made myself smile until the smile was real.  I made myself cry until the tears were real.  I made myself numb until the feeling didn't exist.  Serotonin - get some.  Dopamine - make some.

Goodness - what would happen if this wall came down?  Who would I be? What would this be like?  Life I mean - what would life be like if I didn't stop myself from living it.  You're right - I'm not okay with myself.  The question is - do I fix it, or accept myself however I am.  Tell yourself all you want that you are not constrained by the same things that constrain other people - that's a joke.  Some things are a constant.  Everything is Chaos, that's a constant.

If there's one thing you can count on - that you can bet your bottom dollar on - it's the ignorance of the American People.  Transcend.  That's not an original thought.  A lot of this is song lyrics that are either passing into my brain via a vibrating membrane connected to nerve endings or have so previously and are now surfacing and singing to me in some part of my brain.

The ends justify the means eh?  Does it only matter how society judges you? Does it only matter how the people you care about judge you?  Maybe sometimes it takes one act of greatness to make you great.  Maybe sometimes you can just fake it.  Most of the time your act of greatness will go unnoticed - does that make it any less valuable?  What makes an apple an apple?  Is it all a question of semantics?  What is justice anyway - right Plato?  Do you hold yourself only to your own judgement or do you hold yourself to the standards of society?  Trust me - God has no justice - all things being equal, everything is equal.  If God represents one thing, it's the ultimate in equality.  Justice from that perspective is meaningless.  So you give yourself a choice - judge yourself by the standards of society, judge yourself by the standards of your culture, judge yourself by the standards that you create from your own experiences, or don't judge yourself at all.  Find justice in there somewhere - in the cross section of the micro and the macro.

What is right for you? Once you figure that out - how do you use that in the context of the world around you?  Try your best to surround yourself with people who make it all better.  Be okay with yourself - be around people who are okay with you.  What is love?  (baby don't hurt me?)  My own happiness has never been good enough motivation for anything.  My own sadness and pain has never been good enough motivation to avoid something. Weather changes moods.  Nature is a whore.  He likes to sing along, but no one will ever know what it means.  I'm in bloom.  I don't know what it means.  I can't figure it out.  I've been trying my whole life.  I think your point is that it's time for me to stop trying to figure it out and just live.  Point my arrow in a direction instead of hoping that all the  tentacles that my brain has created will one day come back and make something that fits.  It probably would - right about the same time that I die. - - oops there it is, finally, now what - croak.  Thanks Obama. - - I knew I could work a meme in there somewhere.

In disguises no one knows lies the face, lies the snake.  Boiling heat...  Blackholes - that's where existence starts - where time and space are both meaningless.  Where everything becomes nothing - where time is gone for honest men.  Come here - rest in my brain - let me see what lies beyond that point - that point I feel my brain drifting toward.  Where infinity meets the edge of the universe and then keeps going.  To ascend we must die, we must see through the lies.  What lies?  The lies we tell ourselves.  That we are important to the universe.  That we are important at all.  That when we breach the barriers of the unknown that we will come out the other side and see the sun rather then just being recycled.  What is time - time is nothing - it's perspective - space is the same.  It's how we experience the universe.  How limited...  There is so much more to existence.  There are layers that we will never - never know.  Do we create? Do we observe? Do we really know - anything?  Are we just convinced?  What is life like when you're not convinced of anything?  What is life like when you're not even convinced of your own existence?  I have those answers.  You're reading it.  And understanding it - what does that say about you?

You have this thought - or feeling - that you are all alone.  There are things that you think about that you have convinced yourself that no one else could possible understand - you're wrong.  Everyone feels like that.  Most people have the same thoughts.  If you pay close enough attention - you will see it.  Especially in this world where connections are so easy.  I want to write the list - 1000 things you think no one else thinks.

Drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself - sometimes I think I can see right through myself - your world...Well - it doesn't really matter any more.  You were never really real to begin with - I just made you up to hurt myself.  Wow - this applies to me so much. - It worked.  There is no you there is only me.  Who?  This guy that I created to cover up the real me. Real...heh...  To cover up the me I really want to be - because I'm too afraid to be him.  It's okay - or at least I'm approaching okay - like I'm approaching the limits of the universe in my dreams.  We don't pass through doors and come out the other side - because the doors don't actually exist.  We created the doors to prove to ourselves that we can move from one place to another.  We don't...Movement is a dream.  We just - be - or to put it in a cultural context - there is no try.  Which - when you think about it - means there is no fail - epic or otherwise.

What's the best place to hide?  Time.  Why hide?  Why not hide?  Lost in obscurity - what's important to me may not be what's important to you.  What does that mean in the context of society?  Does that mean that we should only concern ourselves with what's important to ourselves?  Is that how societies are created?  A bunch of people walk into a room with concepts of what's important to them - influenced by what's important to the people around them - then create something that sounds like it's what should be important to everyone - then tell everyone that this is what's important to them.  Sounds about right - until it stops working for just about everyone - then what.  It used to be that we would go do something about it.  Now it seems like memes with cats on the internet have more influence on the world then talking face-to-face.  Proving that you can affect the world with a single sentence that a lot of people happen to agree with.  This proves the usefulness of twitter.  We never really did have long attention spans - it just seemed like we did because of what we remember as a culture.  What we remember is what's put into libraries.  Now what we remember is saved as a news feed in a database on  a server - and there's too much of it to remember it all.  We should write a program to take the collection of knowledge accumulated from these sources and write a book.  We could use a search algorithm to connect sentences together into something coherent.  I bet you that we have repeated ourselves a million times - and that the book would not be that long - but it would definitely have a chapter about cats.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Like an infinite time warp I spend this life in an endless stream of thought. bubbles bursting across the river in a blaze of peanut butter and popcorn. there is no sense in the order of what you think is right and good. there is more sense in what you think is chaotic and meaningless.  you and me and all of us we try to bring order to that which we don't understand but its the kind of order that only makes sense to us. then we because we are all weak minded and foolish grasp on to whatever order flows the direction that most often intersects with our own.  top hats and cherry trees and people running around in naked photo shoots on cherry wood stair cases in apartment buildings converted from old homes backed by stained glass windows. please hide him from me. i don't want him to see me like this - she says...  i should have known - but it doesn't matter i was crippled as I am now.  i run into corners and cover my face in plain site for every one to see but not notice.  she did.  i don't like that she noticed my face - that she knows my name that she looks at me with those eyes.  that i think - that she is on my radar - that i can't help that among that millions she creeps into the ones that i latch onto.  there are days when the blackness would have been much simpler when the flows would be easier if they didn't come out like a thousand branches of a very complex tree that grows in and connects to every tree in the world and sees every branch that it connects to.  i know it's not really like that it just feels that way. every clear day in the world should generate cupcake colored clouds that pour liquid happiness into our brains like an opiate so that when we have the cloudy days we can always be happy when it's raining.  I love the rain. I love thunder.  I love when the condensation in the atmosphere becomes too heavy to maintain it's vaporous state, falls, and hits me in the face.  I walk in the rain without an umbrella...  I laugh at people who use umbrellas when it's only sprinkling.  Like water is the worst possible thing that could touch them - and they get wet anyway...  my jacket might not be made of bacon, but it keeps me looking nice enough. i guess.  I suppose I have image problems, but I don't think they are based on some kind of psychological issue. anthropology...  I'm not a good looking person. I take comfort in the fact that a lot of people are in the same boat.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A first at first

A week of firsts has left me feeling just a little more lonely than I was before.  Over-thinking, wishing, trying...rince; repeat.  My nerves are frayed; my hands are shaking; typing this seems impossible; I'm having serious trouble understanding why...

From all fronts my mind is torn when it comes to how I feel and what I should do. I honestly didn't know it was possible for me to feel this way. A big part of me thinks (knows) that any step I take other than "do nothing" will be a mistake.  I'm not keen on  putting people into awkward positions for the sake of getting something off my chest.

My friends say that I couldn't possibly know he outcome of putting myself into these situations.  "What's the worst that could happen?": has been bounced around a lot the last couple weeks.  Also posit the situation where I get what I want...maybe too much of it...measure your happiness  vs the angst of possibly loosing a friendship that isn't even a real friendship.

I look into her eyes and feel the pointlessness of my endeavor.  "Prove me wrong," I think, "and I'll prove you wrong."

The first time I really considered being wholly honest with her.
The frist time I looked hard at someone for a long time.
The first time someone made me feel special.
The first phone number.
The first date, though that's not what it was.
The first time I didn't feel completely alone.
The first time someone made me feel really wanted.
The first time someone saw what I was really feeling.

It wasn't the first time I hid.
Not the first time I thought too much.
Not the first time I was confused about what I want.
Not the first time I made someone run away.
Not the first night I didn't sleep.
Not the first obsession.
Not the first time I felt like disappearing.
Not the first time I kept it all inside.
Not the first time I didn't act on my feelings.
Not the first weekend alone.
Not the first Monday running away for some time alone, wishing that someone was here to interrupt it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

This is how Alex would see you.

He sat by himself in the corner of the room away from the loud crowd that filled the old pub.  This was his normal routine on any given weekend evening.  He blocked himself away, hiding in one of the busiest and most social places you can be at this time.  He usually went unnoticed by the general populous of the bar; even to the regulars, which he was one of, he was a complete stranger.  Part of him liked it that way, but he admitted to himself that it was obvious he wanted some kind of human connection or he wouldn't come to a place like this.  He worked, as normal, on finishing his only beer of the evening.

When she walked through the door he couldn't help but notice her presence.  She looked quiet and unassuming, but not really approachable in his mind because he saw instantly the power behind her eyes.  She paused as she entered the room and looked around.  Her head shrank slightly into her shoulders as she measured the general attitude of the people in the room.  Alex noticed a few other men looking her way.  She also noticed the glances as they were much less subtle than Alex about when and where they were looking.  The awkward stares and obvious ogles made her feel uncomfortable; not only because they made her feel exposed, but because she was internally unused to this kind of attention.

She walked over to the bar and found a spot nearer to Alex than he would have liked considering the amount of looking he had been engaged in.  She smiled and spoke very clearly to the bartender; she ordered a Coke and shuffled into a seat near the corner end of the bar.  From his table just catty-corner from where she was sitting Alex could see her clearly.  She had a very pure and natural beauty.  Long dark brown, almost black, hair tucked into a bandanna that was tied back like a headband.  She was wearing a tee-shirt and very close fitting pants with some comfortable looking yet stylish shoes.  It was clear to Alex from her fatigued demeanor, the clothes she was wearing, and her purposeful attitude, that she had just gotten off work from one of the eateries near by.

She didn't have to try to look beautiful.  She has those unique qualities that make her appealing without all the pretense that comes with the dolling up our society expects of women.  One could measure the exactness of her figure in micrometers.  Her ears were perfectly round at the top and formed a drawn line to her jaw which curved at precise angles to her chin.  Her neck flowed smoothly to her clavicle which was just showing through the neck of her tee shirt.  Something about her face looked incredibly familiar.  Her features were symmetrical to the point that no noticeable flaws could be found in her form.  The curve of her nose and eyebrows gave the appearance of well placed brush strokes on a brand-new canvas.

Alex could see that the familiarity he felt came from her eyes.  Something about the way they were shaped, their size, the position of her irises when she looked at something, reminded him of something or someone that he couldn't quite place.  He realized when looking at her eyes that he would divulge himself to her if she asked; something he was extremely unaccustomed to doing.  As she smiled the brightness of her eyes stood out even more.  Alex felt himself mock a grin when he noticed a smile approach her lips.

She stood briefly to adjust herself and get comfortable in her seat.  As she stood Alex's eyes followed her long neck across her square shoulders and down the length of her arm to her delicate but well used hands.  This thought made Alex smile; someone who wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty.  As she turned to adjust her shirt back to its proper place she placed her profile exactly in Alex's view.  She arched her back slightly in a long awaited stretch.  Her back ellipsed to her backside which was unbelievably perfect on its own and incredibly hard not to notice because of its definition that kept with her general shape.  As she stretched her shirt raised slightly exposing enough of her abdomen for Alex to derive that she put at least some effort into her physical fitness.  He did his best not to speculate on her bra size, but the alluring proportions popped into his head before he could stop himself.

She sat as Alex took the last pull from his glass into mouth.  Satisfied that he had gone unseen, he stood  and draped his jacket across his arm and onto his back swinging it slightly to seamlessly breeze his other arm into its sleeve.  He kept her in the corner of his eye as he walked by; she never raised her eyes to meet his glance.  He approached and turned close enough that he could smell the sweet aura she let off, informing Alex's senses that she was a genetic match.  He shook it off knowing any advance would be met with skepticism and antipathy.  He finished circling the corner of the bar and walked to the door where he had seen her enter.  He glanced out the corner of his eye to see her finish a sip of her Coke, her other hand resting on the bar in front of her.  A brief sigh of relaxation passed over her that indicated this was the point at which she was done for the day.  Alex smiled and continued out the door into the darkness;  the thoughts of this stone beauty carving into his memory forever.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Place behavior

Individual behavior and dynamics are fun and interesing to analyze.  Something else that's really fun to do is sit and measure the dynamic and behavior of an entire group of people. When that group has something in common, like the love a particular place, the dynamic moves in a sort of syncopated dance that is really interesting to feel.

Think about music for a second.  Rhythm, melody, harmony, flow...  a place has these same things, especially when filled with the people who devote a part of themselves to that place.  The real interesting places are the ones that have a very dedicated following, like the place where I'm sitting tonight.  The people speaking to one another creates the melodic harmony that I'm talking about.  The room fills with the sweet flowing sounds of a hundred conversations and crescendos to a plateau of rolling sound.

Individual conversations tend to take on a really specifc rhythm.  This is something I've noticed while listening and talking in a couple of deep, long conversations.  We tend to match tempo with the other people in the conversation. It's subtle, but we all have a pattern built in to our speech.  The pattern depends on the words you use, the length of sentences, accent; every syllable has a place in the pattern which creates a rhythm. We alter our patterns based on who we're around, topics, etc. In the long run we all, in the conversation, will end up speaking in time with each other. Listen for it next time you are in a long conversation you'll never be able to unhear it.

Multiply that by 20 conversations in a small room.  They come and go like waves; they have accents, drop offs, brass and the quiet wood winds; each has a chorus adding to the whole with its own set of rules but ultimately they all fall into their place.

This is a good place. Sophistication mixed with boystrisness.   The hunt, the prowl, the lonely sole, the leaders, the belongers... some basic common interest brings us all together.  Something more interesting keeps everyone here.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wow - Did I really just start my book?

The story of my birth isn't fantastic in any way.  I was born in a hospital in the middle of the night with doctors, nurses, and my father hovering about.  I realize at this point the effect that I've had on the world and what it could mean to the people who don't really know better.  The thought popped into my head that in the future those same people might wonder about my birth and then make up some ridiculous story.  I wanted to put it out there that my birth wasn't anything magnificent.  My mother and father were married, my mom and dad had a daughter before I was born, and I'm the youngest of my father's seven children.  I popped out; that's it.
I think though that people will find my childhood to have been quite interesting.  My very first memory is that of my father teaching me something.  "Don't mess with the new dog or it will bite you.  You're not fast enough to do that yet."  I watched as dad carried the kennel with the German Shepard/Timber-wolf mix pup in to the pantry.  Then I sat in the middle of the living room when he let the dog out of the cage and it ran circles around me. Then I watched dad grab her paw and pull away quickly when she started to bite.  Dad taught me this lesson because I thought what he was doing looked like a lot of fun, so I decided to give it a try.  When I told my mom this story she didn't believe me; because dad picked up Lobo from the airport just before I turned two.  It's funny because I remember understanding everything that was going on; something that adults tend to think very young children can't do.  I have flashes of memories after that, about our animals mostly. Opossum the three legged cat, Fluffy the miniature golden lab, her puppy "Puppy", and of course Akita Lobo.  I remember camping as a toddler and some of the important things that happened, like Puppy running off a cliff to what we were sure was his death 50 meters below, and him running back up a path a few moments later because he landed on a ledge after falling about 3 meters.  I remember finding out what a nettle is - the hard way.  I remember camping in the middle of a field, without a tent, with nothing between us and the stars but a doubled over army surplus sleeping bag.  Then I remember getting ready to go to school.
I learned some valuable lessons before this point in my life.  I knew what breasts looked like because of the poster of a naked black lady in my dad's study.  I knew that my sister was my worst enemy and my best friend.  I had a decent understanding of general language.  I knew and was pretty damn good at hide-and-seek.  I had a good concept of things like privacy and secrets.  What I didn't have were any kind of social skills.  My next most brilliant memory was walking up to the school for the very first time.  I balanced myself on the concrete ledge as my mother and I walked up to the doors.  I met Mrs. Romeral my kindergarten teacher, Mr. Stern the principal, and the school nurse.  Then I met my new classmates; Matt, Johnathan Caps, Courtney Romeral, and Cathy; my kindergarten crew at School 58 in Indianapolis Indiana.  I learned what city we lived in when Mrs. Romeral had us make up emergency contact sheets to take home.  That's also how I learned how to write numbers.
Kindergarten at that school was amazing.  We had exercise time every day where we learned how to do push ups, sit ups, and jump rope.  We had music lessons a couple times a week with a teacher who specialized in teaching young children about music and art.  We had art time every other day.  We had nap time every day; I was more intrigued by the way Mrs. Romeral held the books with one hand while she read to us then I was with the generic children's stories she was reading to bore us to sleep.  We watched PBS every day where Le' Var Burton and Big Bird taught me about thinking, reading, and being a good person.  I also learned that people can be vicious and mean and that I was willing to take any measure of abuse from people if it meant that I got to understand more about how they work.  From  the time I was 5 years old I was obsessed with people's motivations.
What happened when I was 5 was the basis for how I was to live and be the rest of my life.  One of the kids in the class asked me about this thing called "church" and wanted to know which one I went to.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't you believe in God?"
"What's that?"
"You're going to burn in Hell!  You're going to burn in Hell!"
I had no idea what this "Hell" thing was, but I sure knew I didn't like burning.  Burning was that thing that wood does when you put it in the fire pit where it turns into grey dust.  It was also that horrible thing that happens when you touch the red thing on the stove while Mommy's cooking. And where ever and whatever this "Hell" thing is, apparently it's where you go to burn because you don't know what "God" is and you don't go to this "Church" thing, and I didn't like it.  I also didn't like the way that kid was talking to me about it at all.
Dad was  home when I got back from school.  I remember this being a pretty rare thing and I really needed him to help me with this.
"Dad, what is God?"
"Hmm."  He walked to his bookshelf sort of nonchalantly and grabbed a book. He continued, "Here read this and figure it out for yourself."
I had interrupted him reading and listening to music, sitting in his black leather chair near the fire place. I sat in bewilderment looking at this monstrosity of a book he had just handed me; the biggest book I had ever seen.  I opened it and didn't understand anything; there were hand written notes along the sides of all the pages, with lines pointing to various passages.  I looked at him; surely with the look of a person completely lost and confused.  I played with the studs that decorated the front of his chair while he responded to my oblivious stare.
~Sigh, "Why are you asking, Alec?"
"Some kid told me I was going to burn in Hell because I don't know what God is."
~Deeper Sigh, "That's not how it works son, they don't know what they're talking about."
"Why'd he make fun of me and say I was going to burn?  And what is Hell?"
~Sigh, "They don't know any better, son, that's just what they've been told.  Don't worry about Hell, everything you need to understand it is in that book."
I just sat there on the floor in front of Dad's chair and thought for a long time while I listened to music and Dad read his book.  This God/Hell/Church thing must be pretty important if it has a book this big to go with it, and these notes, I guess Dad thought the book wasn't good enough so he wrote some more in it.  The next day I went back to school and told the kid that I forgive him for being mean to me, because he didn't know what he was talking about.

Friday, February 8, 2013


3 - 2 - 1...  Question of the day:  When I feel good about myself I feel like I'm always waiting for something shitty to happen.  Fuckin' A I'm feeling really happy - What am I forgetting or ignoring that's going to fuck up this feeling?  The theory has been thrown around that I'm addicted to feeling like shit and I am subconsciously sabotaging myself.  Someone in my shoes would say - I've seen so much shitty that it seems like happy isn't an option.  So the question - Am I causing bad shit to happen because I'm addicted to it - or - Am I noticing bad shit because I'm used to seeing bad shit - or - is nothing bad, everything is an experience to be learned from?

I've been having trouble writing lately.  Every time I sit down to write, I smile and try to figure out what's on my mind that's worth writing about.  Well - take a look back in my archives - most of the stuff I write comes from a place of angst.  The stuff that's on my mind right now is big - really big - requires much time and work to write.  The point is - I've been happy.  When I'm happy - all the little shit becomes, well, little.  Mind you - I'm still looking at this chick's shoes out of the corner of my eye - and now I'm back to that point where I really want to learn how to get over my social issues.  Time to turn on the experiment again?

{{~~brain~~  watch out folks, Jason's about to go the fuck off.}}

So I've been reading - a lot - about how to get over my severe social anxiety issues and my over-flowing shyness.  The best answer that I've concluded from everything I've read is - just fucking do it damn it.  They say shit like - relax, be yourself, act natural - blah blah...  None of that stops the feeling that I'm about to pass out when I try to talk to someone new.  Say that I think too much a few more times, I'm sure that will stop happening any minute now.  I know where the feeling comes from - I'm overly self aware and completely over stimulated with data from what's going on.  My thoughts become a constant scream in my head because they're coming too fast.  I get quiet because I'm having trouble filtering out the anxiety from normal thoughts and I'm 100% certain that it would be a bad idea to come out with what ever's on my mind.  {~~brain~~ Within about 10 minutes it's something like - genetics and personality type - clothes and other cultural indicators (like accent and language) - intelligence/memory type - after that it's a cluster fuck of analytics that - in some cases - ends with me having a really good idea what a relationship with this person might be like.  Which I feed to Jason for funzies because that motherfucker needs to learn how to deal with it.}  Like I said before, most people aren't receptive to me knowing shit about them they didn't tell me.  That leaves me quiet, anxious, over thinking myself to no end.  AH!

Reading on - I hear that people like me (Introverted, intuitive, feeling, analyzing) are way happier if they become more social.  (thus the experiment) - this is absolutely true.  The times when I'm happy are the times when I have people around me.  I mean - I escape to one of the most public places you can go in order to be alone.  ((I wonder if the crowd of people around me just got offended when I put my headphones in.  Seems that way - they just walked away...  I'm all about smelling like Sweet Basil being a turn on - and yeah the chemical properties of Arugula are really interesting... Okay now I feel like an ass - quit scaring off beautiful ladies by being unapproachable.))

Shit forgot my point...  - damn that girl is beautiful, tall, slender - button nose - heels (vintage style) - black dress - black stockings -  short pony tail.  I bet she's trying to grow her hair out and recently became really proud that she can now put it in a pony tail. There's an art show going on at Day's Espresso and I'm sitting in a booth underneath a couple pieces of art.  All the patrons and artists are walking around and stopping right next to me to look at the paintings.  I appreciate the look of a draped black dress and a very deliberate look on a woman.  The person who seems like she's running this show is also very lovely.  I think I've seen her before - probably here - I think her and I would get along if I could figure out what to say - how to get into the conversation.  She's wearing stilettos and those pants that look like stockings with this long undulant blouse that looks like it has a flower/butterfly pattern on each side.  She has black hair, a defined jaw line and ample pursing lips.  Her features are very well drawn.  Her personality is that of 'come hither'; if not on purpose then she just ends up being the center of attention.  A crowd of people has been around her all evening - where she's been the one engaging the conversation.

Too many people - too many distractions -  told you - having trouble writing.  I think I'm done writing about down shit for a while - I'm going to try to write more structured things.  Time to go - I'm heading to Sergio's for some yummy beer.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

QC_2199 Repost

For my barista friends!  QC is one of my favorite comics - dude me and baristas... It's not the dialog you should be paying so much attention to - its Faye, the chick on the left - and the other characters' reactions.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Re-Post - Vacation?

Re-posted from my old blog - wow - I have certainly improved as a writer!  I proofed this and it needs a megaton of editing!  It's like going back and reading something you wrote in high school...  I wrote this in 2009 - so try and work with the perspective shift.


Sometime around 6 years ago in the beginning of July I had an honestly nice, fun, week long vacation.  Aside from an extreme sunburn that I got from enjoying the pool too much, everything about this vacation was wonderful. But, I'm not going to tell you about that vacation. I am going to tell you about the next vacation I had about 3 weeks ago. Yes, that's 6 years I didn't take a real vacation. Instead, pretty much every year I was either too broke to do anything, or I had to use my vacation time to move here or there.

But this year I wanted things to be different. Sarah and I have finally found a house that we really enjoy living in, I have a stable if not low paying job at a computer shop and we had been saving our change and small bills in a jar for over a year. So we were determined. Some friends of ours told us about a condo that they rented for a week last summer that cost around $500 for the entire week and was awesome. Gulf-Coast Florida, 1 block from the beach, night-life every where, fun, freedom, and relaxation. But that didn't happen either. The day I called to make reservations for the condo, the manager had just gotten off the phone renting the place to someone else for most of the time we wanted to be there. So Sarah and I started brain storming and strangely enough an old movie popped into my head and gave me an idea. The movie (you're going to love this) was "Deliverance." No I didn't want to be... well you know... but a canoeing trip and camping did sound fun and so we made it happen. We found a place that rented canoes in West Virginia (near Maryland) and reserved a 3 day canoeing/camping trip. Nearly 60 miles on the Shenandoah River and 2 nights of roughing it in the woods (and maybe a campground). For the rest of the week we reserved a cabin in the middle of nowhere next to the Platonic river. Relaxation, freedom, and a lot of reading was in our near future. That was the plan. But if you know me, or have heard any stories about me from my family, I am sure that you know that there is nothing about this plan that is going to go the way I want it to.

So after weeks of planning and preparation, we loaded my 1995 Suburban to the brim with camping gear, food and supplies enough to last us 3 days on the river and another 3-4 days on the road and in a cabin. The drive started out beautifully. It was a wonderful, not too hot, Sunday morning and we set out to get breakfast. Of course everything was packed from the church people etc. So we drove and waited to see a Waffle House, Denny's, or whatever, to stop and eat yummy goodness. The first one we saw was one of those blue signs that says "food next exit" with a Waffle House logo. Of course we missed the tiny "20.0 miles" lettering under the logo and drove about 10 miles into Taylor county before we gave up and headed back to the interstate. So we drove on and found a Cracker Barrel right off an exit and stopped and ate yummy goodness. I also got to try on this wicked hat.

Off again we headed for West Virginia. We had to stop a couple of time to get gas and rest and so it took us nearly 4 hours to get to the border of West Virginia. Then it happened.  A little less than 30 miles into West Virginia (something like 300-400 miles to our destination) the truck started making a god-awful whining noise and when ever I took my foot off the gas and put it back on, the whole thing pulled to the right. I stopped on the side of the interstate and started looking for damage. I saw nothing. Back in the car, I put on the hazard lights and crawled our way to the next exit. I knew that we were screwed. I think that a normal person's reaction to this kind of situation would be to freak out a little bit, get angry, get sad, be in denile, but for me I just shrugged and said "it figures" and tried to figure out what the hell we were going to do.

I asked everyone I saw that looked like a local if they could recommend a shop. Oh - did I mention that it's Sunday late afternoon and we are in the small town of Milton, West Virginia? We were lucky to find a gas station that was open. Pretty much everyone we talked to said that "Hubey" is the guy to take it to, but of course he would not be open until the morning. So I drove the truck, right passed the closed mechanic's shop and into an Advance Auto Parts. The truck by the way was literally screaming and clunking (more like banging) the whole voyage between the filling station. So at the auto parts store I started trying to figure out what is wrong with the truck. My best guess is that there is something wrong with the very used rear end that was put on my truck as a replacement for my very used and bad rear end that was already on the truck when I bought it. The guy's at Advance pretty much confirmed my fears and they as well recommended that I take the truck to "Hubey." "Not because hes my uncle either," said the manager of the auto parts store. There was no way that I could fix it by myself so we had no choice but to stay in this little town until we can get the truck fixed. In other words, we had to cancel our vacation. So I called and begged for my money back from the canoe people.

For a second you thought that's all there was to it. Right? Well you're wrong. There is more. There is a lot more. So our current goal was to find a hotel to stay in while we got the truck fixed. Well guess what... There is no hotel in Milton, WV. No bed and breakfast, no motel, no nearby camping. Nothing.  Get a taxi you say? Go to the next town you say? Well there is no Taxi in Milton, WV and no Taxi service in any of the surrounding towns will come to Milton, WV to pick you up. Get a rental car you say? Well there is no rental car company in Milton, WV and none of the rental car companies in any of the surrounding towns will deliver you a car to Milton, WV. What? Maybe a hotel in one of those towns has shuttle service and will come pick us up. OH HELL NO. NOT TO MILTON, BLOODY, WEST VIRGINIA!!!!!!! How do I know all this you ask? I had phone book and a cell phone. I called ALL of them, every single one and nothing. We were quite literally stranded in one of the worst possible towns we could have broken down in (that is next to the interstate at least.) So I did what any independent, stubborn, strong willed 28 year old man would do in this situation. I called my Mama.

"What do I do Mama?"
"Da dudu DA! Mommy to the rescue!"

I should point out at this point that I love my mama. She is the shiznit. Top notch 100%. If there was a "Mom of the universe pageant " she would not only raise the bar, she would make a new bar, gold plate it, and her wonderfulness would lift it so high that no other mom in the entire spectrum of dimensions of universes would even come within a parsec of even seeing that bar with a telescope like Hubble, and a million years to upgrade it. Yeah that's right, my mom drove from Glasgow, KY, that's 5 hours in one straight shot, to Milton (insert ambiguous curse words here) West Virginia. She drove us to the next town over to a Hotel and told us that she was going to help us get a rental car and said, "You are going to have a vacation." RIGHT? I TOLD YOU! MY MOM FREAKING ROCKS!

The next day we set out to figure everything out. I clunked the truck to the auto shop where he estimated about $600.00 for what we both figured was wrong with it and it would be ready sometime around Friday and we would be coming back through town on Saturday. Perfect? Maybe... He said that he would look at it the next day. So I called the canoe people and asked them to cancel my cancellation and change our trip to a 2 day instead of a three day trip.

"No problem."

We went to Enterprise car rental and got a car. A nice car. a 2009 Toyota Matrix. Very cool, small, gas smart, power everything, all in all a very yummy car. So now our plan is to get in the rental car, canoe for two days, go to the cabin, relax, read books, then drive back and pick up the truck on Saturday. Good plan.

Mom headed home, hugs and kisses, and love. And we headed out to finish our vacation. I find that it is important to note that we found the best subway on the planet on our way. Not just because we were starving and there were no towns for like 100 miles that had food next to the highway. This subway had pizza and they let you pick whatever you want on it (anything from the subway bar) before they heat it up for you. AND THEY HAD MUSHROOMS! Every subway should have mushrooms. I had the most yummy subway cheese steak - with mushrooms and some other stuff. YUMMO!

We drove to the the town where the canoe rentals are and got a hotel room. The next morning, bright and early we ate breakfast and went to get our canoe. The company let us park the car in their lot and shuttled us 30 miles to the inlet where they dropped us off. We had a crazy person driving the van. He was a very good guy, very nice, good conversation, but when ever he did or said anything, his eyes followed his actions. So he would do stuff like turn his head behind him to look at me while I was talking.(so i stopped talking) And then, he went to grab his coffee from the cup holder. His eyes followed his action, just long enough to miss that there was an SUV stopped in the road about 20 feet in front of us. (we were in a big passenger van/bus with a trailor full of canoes behind us) Sarah and I both froze. Her and I both just could not make noise come out of our mouths. We braced and later we found out that both of us had thought and probably nearly the exact same instant "OH SHIT, WE'RE GONNA DIE!" He looked up and moved to the shoulder and stopped the van inches from the SUV - all was fine. So then he dropped us off at the inlet and took off. We loaded our 3 days of supplies into their largest, deepest canoe. In case you don't know, I weigh nearly 300 lbs, and Sarah weighs something like 140 or so. Our camping pack alone was like 100 lbs. We also had her gear and a cooler.  That canoe was heavy, low in the water, and the Shenandoah was running pretty low. We were set to row about 40 miles in two days. There was nothing over a class 2 rapid the entire way (meaning no falls - just kinda maybe fast water and rocks). I had to try and tell Sarah how to handle fast water and rocks. I mean - I'm a rookie too, but I've been down a river and I get the engineering of how to paddle and stuff. We had several arguments about her doing all the work. I was steering and the way I was paddling, one of my strokes was like 5 of hers... So she was rowing a lot and I wasn't. It caused issues. Forgive me baby, but for this one I cannot let you off the hook. The first bit of fast water we came to - it was shallow and I was trying to tell Sarah to row hard and get some speed so that we would not get stuck. Yeah - that didn't work. The canoe got stuck on a rock, so Sarah freaked out and I started trying to get us unjammed. I looked up to tell Sarah what to do and seriously, she was not in the canoe. She had dropped her paddle, so she hopped up and jumped out of the boat and went after it. - I was upset. But that is part of canoeing - make mistakes, do a lot of work - bicker... We still had fun... At least for the first day.

So we rowed and rowed and stopped every once in a while for a break. We took it very easy - slow - it was very relaxing. And before we knew it, we had been rowing for 6 hours and it was time to start looking for our camp ground. We came across two obviously drunk, stoned, dudes floating along in tubes and asked them where to find Watermelon Park. (we were right next to it) so we pulled in and started the adventure looking for someone to pay for a camp site. There was no one. The store was closed, the office was closed, there was no one there were no signs, nothing.  So, we setup camp... As luck would have it, the very same guy that we had asked where the park is happened to be the guy that was running it. He floated up and we were like.
"Do you know who we need to talk to?"
"Well uh, I guess me, I'm kinda the manager or whatever. Just come find me later and I will open the store if you need me to. There's fire wood and stuff. I'll come over sometime and you can pay me."
Some manager... We put up the tent and I made dinner. Portobello caps with mixed cheese and herbs, fire roasted corn, and yummy vegetarian baked beans. My mouth is watering...

After dinner the phone calls started. Hubey, the mechanic, called to let me know that pretty much everything in the rear-end housing was shot. Pinion - axle gears - just gone. The entire rear end would have to be replaced. $2000.00. - I owed $3500 on the truck still. Its value had almost halved since last year when the gas prices hit $4.00 /gal. It was not even worth what I still owed on it. So the next morning I called Mom. I have to tell you that it is very very nice, weather you are an unlucky person or not, to know people who know people who know how to take care of stuff and are willing to help. And that is one of the reasons why my step-dad Ron is one of the most awesome people ever. He is a great guy. He and Mom fit together nicely. The awesomeness of those two together is like witnessing the birth of a universe. Ron is super nice and talks to anybody, makes friends, and people love him. And oh yeah - he plays golf, and he's good. So he's known and he knows a lot of people who are in business. And he is a good-ol-boy, meaning that he has been around the same few towns for a long time and he had done business with many people with whom he has gained much trust. Mom had Ron start making phone calls and I got more phone calls. Sarah pretty much took down and loaded up the camping gear by herself because I was on the phone the entire time. Ron's friend Jeff,from whom I have purchased several cars, called me and was brewing an idea. I told everyone that I was going to be unreachable, floating down a river, I could not talk for the rest of the day. That didn't stop anyone. They still called. So I put my phone in two bags, walmart bags, and tied it off to the seat of the canoe and we took off. I was on the phone pretty much the entire day talking to my banker, the car guy, the mechanic, Mom, Ron, the whole gang. One time we stopped on the shore to take a break, grabbed my phone and hopped out of the boat. As if God were trying to make my life just a little bit harder, the bags that I had the phone in ripped open and my phone fell, PLOP, straight into the water. I jumped and grabbed it. Took the battery out and freaked. Luckily, though it was wet, it still turned on and I was able to make more phone calls and finished to the point where I could take apart my phone and ask Mom if she could talk to people for me.

We rowed about 25 miles that day. We were stinky. The last mile of rowing was torture, but we made it. On the way we saw home huge fish, a lot of very beautiful herrings (blue and white) a small duck, deer, cows, a gazillion gaggles of geese, and one very sneaky water mochisen that swam next to us as we pulled in for a break. The guy that picked us up at the other end of the journey was really nice. As we pulled up to shore he said, "Are you still talking to each other?" We were all smiles, getting to the end was worth the journey and we loved it. The guy was super surprised at how willing we were to help him load everything onto the bus. I figure most of the asshole tourists that he deals with probably have the attitude that they paid for the trip and did all this and that's what he gets paid for and all that. Screw that, I'm no tourist and neither is Sarah, we have no problem getting our hands dirty.

Back on the road. Sarah got a picture of the Exit sign for the town where "Blaire Witch" is based.And we wreaked. Sweat, dirt, river water, two day worn clothes. Wow it was bad. We drove to our next destination which was Berkeley Springs, WV to our cabin in the middle of no where. It sits 13 miles away from a town that is 30 miles away from the nearest Walmart. (this will be important later) It was marvelous. And we didn't get any pictures because we were exhausted. When we walked in the whole place smelled like candy. Hard wood floors, no cable service, no long distance, no cell service, there was a train just above the cabin (which was more relaxing than anything - it came by like a cool rumble and actually helped me sleep that night) We took showers and (nearly out of gas) went back to the town and went grocery shopping. I made black bean burritos and we fell asleep watching Kelly's heroes on DVD.

The next day as soon as we got to town, I found that I had something like 6 voice mails and I started making phone calls. So here's what I knew and what I found out about the truck situation. If you have heard of cash for clunkers it really saved our butts. The truck was not worth fixing so we had been talking with Jeff about getting me another car. In order to trade in my car, it had to be back (5-6 hours away from where it sat) in Glasgow KY. A tow bill of no less than $600.00 from one of the nicer people my parents talked to. And I would not even get that much for it in its current condition, just turning it in for a regular trade. My banker needed to talk with me, but I just gave him permission to talk to my mom and the others about my stuff so that they could figure stuff out. Jeff told mom about the cash for clunkers thing where I had to buy a brand new car, and I would trade in my truck and get like $4500 for it. Enough to pay it off and take some money off the car I would be buying, the only thing is that, the cheapest car I could get was a Pontiac Vibe for $17,000, but I was getting extra money off in factory discounts and like $1000 for getting a manual transmission. There was still the issue of how to get my car back to Glasgow. In case you don't know, my parents run a business selling storage buildings that can be delivered to a home via truck and trailer. Enter another wonderful person, Lyndon Yoder. He offered to come get the truck and bring it back for something like $350.00 (we gave him more - because he's awesome and more that you will find out later) - so finally we have everything figured out, but I am super stressed and I had forgotten to fill my prescription before we left for our trip.

That day we spent walking around Berkley Springs, looking at antiques and cool art and going to all of the cool shops (we had no money, but Sarah bought me something for my birthday, which was the next day, a dragon to add to my collection). After all this we started the adventure to find a place to full my scrip. I suppose you should know that I have problems with stress (wonder why..) and depression (really? no way...) So I take a generic version of Prozac to help level me out. I have this issue where chemical things (alcohol, THC, nyquill) effect me more than they seem they should (Sarah says I'm a cheap date). But in this case, when I don't have my meds, it effects me pretty badly. I get vertigo and irritable and headachey... All that good stuff... So this is important. Have to get my meds. So I went to the local rite-aid. At home there is this service where I can get a month's worth of my meds for $4.00. At the rite-aid in this town my meds were $107.00. Yep...$103 more... NO FREAKIN" WAY!!! So we drove again, 30 miles to the town with the Walmart so that I could get my pills and not have to buy hemroid pills along with them. But guess what, I waited in line and as I got there the lady took my sheet and started the paperwork and then was like - oh yeah - I can't fill this until tomorrow  You should go to the next town to the next walmart and get it there. 20 more miles - and we went 10 miles in the wrong direction before we realized it. So 30 more miles to the next walmart - 60 miles one way to get some pills so that I would not blow a gasket... But we got them and we went back to the cabin. I made veggie burgers, fries and baked beans for dinner and we fell asleep, exhausted again, this time watching some other movie that I don't even remember.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It's Friday July 31st. The first day that we had to sit down by the river and relax, read books, and do nothing. Pancakes. yumm... some war movie before Sarah woke up. Very cool. Loving it. Good day so far. I think it was around 9:00 when Sarah woke up and ate with me. We got dressed and grabbed our stuff to head to the river. Our plan? Nothing and as much of it as possible, just enjoy the day and each other, and relax. Pineapple upside-down cake for my b-day - pasta (my favorite) for dinner and I wanted to polish off a good chunk of the Stephen Hawking book Sarah had already given me as a present. We walked out the door and as I closed the door, Sarah said, hey do you have the keys? I need to get into the car... You should know that the doors to the cabin were tricky. If the door was locked, it would let you open it from the inside, but not from the outside and it didn't unlock it when you opened it. So as she said that, and I rocked the door closed, I realized that I had left my keys on the kitchen counter. We were locked out and our phones started ringing (from inside the cabin). We looked, hard, for a way to get in the cabin. Who ever put in the air conditioners was thorough and screwed them to the window seat. - no luck there. The back doors and all of the windows were tightly locked. Fortunately I have been locked out of my house many times... I found a vegetable garden on the back porch and found one of those little plastic, plant marker things in the dirt. By itself it was too flimsy to use, so i doubled it over and as long as it took Sarah to say "I've never been able to do that." I had the back door open.

Mom had called, all three phones - both the cells and the cabin phone. Later I heard the message on my voice mail. "JASON! CALL YOUR MAMA NOW!!!" So apparently this cash for clunkers thing was pretty new (like a week old) and already the program was starting to run out of money. So Mom was trying to call me to tell me all of this and to drop a bombshell. "You have to head back home now. You have to have the paperwork done and everything as soon as possible or they will not do the trade on your car." My birthday and as soon as we tried to do anything, we had to get back on the road. So we loaded everything up and left, a day early and without having more than an hour or two of waking relaxation since we left Louisville for our first vacation in 6 years.

I wish that was it. I wish that I could sum up my feelings about all this and get to the part where I tell you that everything turned out okay, yadda, yadda, but that isn't how life goes in my reality. More phone calls. Our friend Lyndon was on his way to butt*( I mean Milton) to pickup the truck etc etc. Our plan now is, take the rental car back to Louisville, pickup all the paperwork on the truck that we need for the trade, then drive to Glasgow and get a new car. So we figured we would call Enterpise as a courtesy to let them know that we would be returning the car in Glasgow. It really should have been that easy. I was driving fast, so Sarah called the rental place and they just flat out said "no, sorry you can't do that." HUH? we can't take the enterprise rental car and turn it in at an enterprise rental place? "no sorry we don't do that". So we called mom again and Ron called enterprise. They basically said that we could return the car there and go to Ashland KY to rent a car to take to Glasgow. The response that Ron received to his partially sarcastic question, "How do you expect them to get there? Hitch hike?" was - "Sorry sir I really don't know" - no sense of humor... So now what the hell are we supposed to do? Mom was freaking out and she thought that she was going to have to drive to Milton and pick us up, again. So we called Lyndon and that beauty of a Mennonite wonder waited for us for two hours after he picked up the truck and gave us a lift to Glasgow. On the way there, a 1995 Suburban blew a tire right in front of us and we stopped to help. It was a good thing too because the guy's spare was flat and I just happened to have a pump in the truck. We dropped the truck off at about 10PM that night and went to sleep in mom's guest room.

The next day I accidently set off Mom and Ron's fire extinguisher in the back of their brand new car and we headed up to Louisville to get the paperwork for my car. We needed the title, the past year of insurance cards, and the registration receipts. Believe it or not, I found all of that pretty easily. We stayed the night in Louisville and Mom and I went back to Glasgow the next day. I was supposed to be back at work on Monday, so I had to call my boss and ask if I could swap days to take care of all of this. (I swear if it were anyone else telling this story no one would have believed it, but Dan just said - wow, alright man - do what you need to do...Another cool person in a long line of cool people who helped me through all of this.) Monday. Mom and I started the process. We went to the dealer and I looked at the car they found for me. (cool car 2009 Pontiac Vibe, Standard trans. 130HP 3 months free xm and onstar and oh yeah the exact same car as the toyota matrix Sarah and I had been driving around. Made in the same factory) So the sales person tells us we need the lean released from the title. That means a trip to the bank in Edmonton. While we were there we did the paperwork and got a check for a car I have not even bought with a trade that has not even been approved  (I got the car for about 12000 after everything including paying off the truck) The funny thing about kentucky and leans, is that the lean is registered in the county that you were living in when you bought the car... I move a lot - remember - 6 years of using my vacation time to move... When I bought that car I lived in Bowling green - about an hour drive from Edmonton and 45 minutes back to Glasgow. And the other beautiful thing about Kentucky and leans, is that they have to be released in the county that you lived in when you bought the car (except in some circumstances, but I'm not that lucky) So after talking with everyone again, we felt it was best if we just went ahead and drove to BG to get this dealt with (2 hours of driving for less than 5 minutes at the court house...BAH!) And that was it... Kinda... I had to wait 72 hours for approval for the trade. AND we gave the dude a check for the car that I have not even bought yet because we are waiting for approval for a trade and I could do nothing about it. Mom took me home. 2 hours to Louisville and 2 hours back. I told you my Mom rocks. Sarah lost her job as soon as she got back because 2 guys that were supposed to cover for her didn't show up and for some dumb reason the manager blamed Sarah and fired her (well she told him to shove it and she quit as he was trying to fire her...Go baby!) A week later Mom and Ron brought me my new car.

I love my new car. I calculated the miles per dollar at near current gas prices for the new car is about 13 miles per dollar. The truck was getting 4. I figured that the difference in gas is close to the difference in my insurance and car payment, so I think I am going to break even on it. Which is nice. It is really fun to drive and it is small - which I love. But man this was stressful... I'm sure that everyone thought that I was joking when I said that I was looking forward to getting back to work so that I could take a vacation from my vacation, but I wasn't. It was nice to get back to monotonous chaos of fixing computers and writing web pages.

I have a lot of stories that are a lot like this one. This is the seventh car I've owned and each one has at least one story for you. If you ask nicely, I might just post some of them.

If you proof read this, let me know what you find. I plan to revise this to be a more well rounded story.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I appreciate beauty in a woman as much as the next man. Certain shapely figures catch my eye, make me smile, and evoke thoughts unsavory.  Those beauties I appreciate in passing - often out of the corner of my eye while I'm doing other things.  But attraction - that's a fairly rare thing - to see a woman and feel really attracted to her.  This attraction, it comes from something else, something other than physical beauty.  It could be something like her wearing a hat as an act of defiance, a weird bond that we just can't explain, a powerful personality that makes me feel a certain way, or finding a kindred spirit...  Sometimes though - so - so - rarely - this attraction happens before we even meet.

I saw her as I walked into the coffee shop this Saturday.  She was sitting in the window seat facing south - working at her laptop, with a book, and some notes.  I only caught a glance at her workstation so I couldn't tell you what she was doing exactly.  Her face caught the corner of my eye - something about her look projected sophistication.  Maybe it was the delicate shell earrings, the elegant necklace adorning her neck, the pretty ring on her right hand - perhaps it was the purposeful, natural look of the light, if any, makeup.  Her hair was blonde, her roots working their way toward a more natural dark blonde state; not that she dyed her hair rather that during Autumn and Winter her roots tend to grow in a little darker since she has not spent as much time in the sun.

I sat in the only available booth, facing the window where she was working.  I readied myself for a long day of programming work.  At this point the person in front of me was merely a passing observation.  She would have gone down as "wow she's pretty" if I had been paying attention and was not concerned with getting ready for 12 hours of work.  With my laptop and gear unfurled, coffee and banana in hand, I set out to work.  There just above my screen in my top periphery sat the woman in the window.  Moments after I started working something about her caught my attention.  This is that point where passing observation, that notice of beauty, really everything up to this point doesn't matter any more.  Out of the blur above my screen I saw her stop working and look up out the window and she smiled; just a simple, joyful, half smile.  I stopped and looked up at her and couldn't help but smile myself; in watching her eyes and her mind work.  I followed her gaze to a family outside - a young couple and their very young child.

I shook it off and resumed work as did she soon after. Time went by and I lost myself in my work absorbed in resolving an issue with the system I'm building.  Every now and again as the hours passed - I would see her, out of the top of my view, stop and look out the window.  I couldn't help but follow her eyes to a passing stranger or vehicle, often off into the distance where I couldn't go along.  Watching her observe as a momentary break from her obligation - It made me recognize and appreciate her inner beauty.  I wanted to talk with her about her ponderings.  As she stood up to leave I took a quick look at her shoes - and her dress. I debated with myself for about a microsecond as to whether or not I should try to talk to her. And then she left...

And then she came back to do something about a minute later.

And she left again.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What do you want?

2012 was kind of a rough year, but I'm choosing to look at it as something good. It was a time where I took a moment of meditation to try and figure some stuff out about myself.  I was mostly unsuccessful in some of the things that I was trying to accomplish, but looking back that was probably a good thing since I was choosing to concentrate on things like relationships - women - and bringing someone else into the state of chaos I was in - well - there's no good excuse for that.  Between my whining about women and the introspective depressing shit I was going through - there was some other, more existential - you know - what's life all about - what do I want to do with my life - shit going on too.  The time has arrived for me to release these thoughts from my head - since what usually ends up happening if I don't -  is my thoughts end up in a knock-down-drag-out in muh brain - and nothing ever comes of them...

My best friend keeps asking me - "What do you want?" - trying to get me to think about myself outside of the contexts of social norms, culturally prescribed life choices, and my own current set of constraints I have placed on myself.  That's a rough question for me to answer - as I'm sure my new fan will appreciate - ever since I was a kid I thought I was meant for something really meaningful in the world and everything I have ever attempted to do for myself - for some reason or another - I have failed at to epic proportions.  So in this time I have been working on this problem - what will make me happy - what do I want to do - where do I want to end up - goals - etc - I have been trying to work under the presumption that whatever I attempt will be successful.  By successful I mean, make me happy and allow me to build a life from the results.

Firstly - I have to acknowledge that - I'm not like other people...  I don't think like other people, I don't feel like other people, I don't remember things like other people, I didn't grow up in any way like other people.  My buddy keeps mentioning that people tend to view their life choices through the social filters that society puts on them - yeah dude - you're totally right - but I didn't have society telling me what was normal when I was growing up.  Maybe later when I went to college and started watching movies and started analyzing people and social norms I got a glance of that world - but one of my biggest problems is that I have an extremely hard time placing myself inside of that view - inside of any social view.  I can barely see myself in a relationship because in order to do that I have to breach this social barrier that I just can't seem to climb.  My problem isn't that when I think about what I want it gets passed through social norms - my problem is that when I think about what I want - the things that I want either land me as a hermit - or completely depend on the social interaction that I can't seem to bring myself to.

So - here we go - without too much detail - what I have come up with so far:

The first one requires some detail - -
You're homeless - you're drunk - you're walking down the street - and you fall, landing in the middle of the street banging you're head on the concrete.  Eh - you're fine, didn't really feel it - but shit - you can't get up.  So - some dude comes and helps you up - he buys you some coffee - and he sits and has a conversation with you - - until the cops show up and take you to jail.

You're a house wife - a mother - your child not your husband's.  You've been married for 2-3 months and in that time you've barely had physical contact with your husband - also - your husband has told you out-right that the only reason you got married was so that he could be there for your child, basically admitting to you that he has little or no feelings for you - only for your child. - you don't have a job and you can't look to your family for monetary support.

You're under employed, you can't afford your car insurance - or you have to choose between paying your electric bill this month and renewing your insurance - you get pulled over - this is your second offense - because you know - you're broke, but you still have to get to work and school on time.  Since you had a gap in your insurance coverage your insurance rates went up - the courts make you pay for a full year of insurance up front, plus a fine, plus court costs - or go to jail for 180 days - now what?

Every day thousands of corporate lobbyists work toward the benefit of a single goal - making money - and very few work toward the benefit of actually making this world a better place.  Politicians listen to one thing - we can influence voters - whether it be through money or notoriety.

This has been a dream of mine for a long time - to start an organization with the purpose of actually helping people on an individual level.  I'm not saying that we could take that homeless guy and turn his life around - but I'm saying that they could call us instead of the cops - and instead of him spending the night in a jail cell - we could give him some coffee, people to talk to, and a warm bed with blankets - maybe a hot meal in the morning.  We would solicit to lawyers to volunteer their services, or offer their services at a discounted price - also to financial advisers - job placement services - hell, maybe even transportation services.  Also - very importantly - to mental health professionals - to volunteer their time to talk to people who need help.  I can only imagine the extent of this organization - basically - I want to pick up where society leaves off - and genuinely help anyone who needs it.

The second goal of this organization is to grow.  I want everyone to know who we are - so that when I walk into a senator's office and say - we need to increase spending on education - they will listen to what I have to say - not by a matter of choice, but for the reason of good politics.

Crap - that's just one!


I'm not going to tell you what it's about - but I have had a book idea in my head for at least the last 7-8 years.  I've been making excuses about why I haven't written it - you would probably call it fear of success - or fear of rejection - or fear of failure.  I just feel like no one is going to get it - either that or people ARE going to get it completely in the most fucked up way possible.  So - either it goes nowhere or I piss a lot of people off when I tell them what it's actually about.  SHIT - I didn't do what I said I as going to do.  I'm going to start over...

I'm going to write a book based on my life - that will definitely piss some people off.  I know it sounds fucked up, but I feel like my life is a good example of exactly how a different perspective of the world can really change the way you experience things.  I've seen how subtle influences can affect people when they are finally confronted with a challenge - good, bad, and neutral...  The goal is to plant seeds that generations after we are gone will grow into something that the world can be proud of.


Fuck you dude - It's hard for me to think selfishly like that. What - open a fucking restaurant?  Do you actually think I would be happy even if it was walking distance from the beach?

So - yeah - the third option - which would allow me to also work on the second option if I was ninja enough. - - open a fucking restaurant within walking distance from the beach... Breakfast and lunch only - maybe dinner ONLY if money requires it.  I say this because - every time I think about being near the ocean I almost cry - and the chance to do something I really love to do - yeah - it would be dumb not to consider.  This is the life option - the walks on the beach - meet someone fun to laugh with - enjoy life because life is here to enjoy - option...  Spend my days cooking and managing a small restaurant - spend my nights on or near the ocean - writing - talking to people - gaining and giving knowledge...

mmmm - tacos - meatballs - steak sandwiches - gyros - and a whole array of cold - feel good food - like micro green salad - that just makes you feel alive when you eat it - oh man this option is making me feel good about myself. - - Ever feel like - you just don't know what you want to eat? You go to a restaurant and everything looks - blah - I'm gonna be that guy that you come see when you're like that - and I'm gonna be like - here eat this - and everything will feel better after that. - mmm - like micro-green and avocado tacos topped with chipotle mayo with black beans and a cold beer - on a hot day when you're on your way to the beach and you don't want to stuff yourself.  That would cost like $6.00 - $7.00 with a domestic beer.

Okay - so - there's my top 3 - there are 2 more, but I'm less optimistic about those two - and I think they would require some serious shit to happen.  If you have thoughts - or ideas - Facebook!